Saturday 28th June 1980 dawned fine and sunny and it was to be a long day for the founders who arrived at the Masonic Hall, Newfields, Halesowen, for a full scale rehearsal at 11:30 AM prior to the ceremony at 3:30 PM. Provincial Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. R E Whitlock PAGDC assisted by Deputy DC W.Bro. L H Pountney PPSGW painstakingly rehearsed every aspect of the Consecration Ceremony in which all Founders took part; it was also an occasion when many, it was said, found that they had left and right feet!
The ceremony, which lasted 75 minutes, was conducted by the R.W. Provincial Grand Master F H Griffiths O.St.J, assisted by the V.W. Deputy Provincial Grand Master H.A. Nock, M.C., PGSwdB, the assistant Provincial Grand Masters W.Boes. B J W Chambers PSGD and L H C Batt MBE>, PSGD and officers from Provincial Grand Lodge.
An entry in the Lodge Minutes Book marked the end of the first part of the proceedings thus “Chaddesley Corbett Lodge No. 8942 was duly consecrated, dedicated and constituted according to ancient custom and established rules of the order.” The Founders were presented with Jewels by the Provincial Grand Master, the first verse of the National Anthem was sung at 4:45 PM.

St Cassians Church
During early discussions and forming of the lodge it was proposed that the lodge could be named after the local church in Chaddesley Corbett however it was decided otherwise.
The church stills has a close affiliation with our lodge and appears on our lodge banner and also on the front of our lodge summons.
For more information regarding St Cassians church then please click here.